
Are you there friends, its me Brandon. Welcome to my blog dedicated to all things crafty as well as my everyday rants and much much more. Please subscribe and leave LOTS of love in the comments section. Plus don't forget to share with your friends and loved ones, because we all know sharing is caring! You can also enter your email address below and subscribe to my blog that way!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Two Video's in one day! What!?

Are you there friends, its me Brandon. 

I know I have been absent from my blog for the past two days, and I apologize. It has been a quite busy start to the week for me! Went back to work on tuesday after two glorious days off consisting of blogging, you tubing, and shopping. But just because I work doesn't mean I can't do videos during the week either! So yesterday I decided to create an art journaling page and today I did a filofax and journaling themed video. 

The art journaling video was supposed to go up yesterday, the same day I filmed it. But of course something had to go wrong with iMovie, causing my edited footage to get lost and requiring me to update the software. And since I was running '09 iMovie the update was quite vast..and very confusing. It wasn't until 10 o'clock that I had the whole video re-edited. And by that time I couldn't wait for it to format because I should have been asleep three hours earlier. Long story short though I got the video and thumbnails done today, and the video is up for you to enjoy! 

I also did a video inspired by one of my favorite youtubers Miss Vicky Bee and talked a little about my filofax and my Dear Diary journal. Pretty self explanatory. 

I am pretty tired now from all the editing and back and forth for today. So bedtime is upon us! But please do make sure to let me know what you think of my videos. And if you like them, don't forget to thumbs up, subscribe, and share them on your social media! 

As always, thanks for stopping by and have an amazing day!

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