
Are you there friends, its me Brandon. Welcome to my blog dedicated to all things crafty as well as my everyday rants and much much more. Please subscribe and leave LOTS of love in the comments section. Plus don't forget to share with your friends and loved ones, because we all know sharing is caring! You can also enter your email address below and subscribe to my blog that way!

Monday, October 20, 2014

New video! Plus why I am a terrible blogger.

Why hello friends!

As you might have noticed, last week I was a very very bad blogger. Not only did I not upload a new video last monday I also neglected to do a blog post on Monday OR Friday. Well I know this will sound like a terrible excuse but I was busy...shopping. I had to make the trek downtown and shop for a birthday present in an area I never go. So by the time I made it home I was exhausted and the daylight had run out. That's my excuse for monday at least, for friday I have none. Just got lazy. I am always running really thin on idea's and since my life has been quite sedate lately I don't have anything new or exciting to share with you all.

But I am back. I decided that today I would film a video that has been in the back of mind for some time now. Ever since I started my channel I wanted to do a baking tutorial on one of my favorite recipes: Cranberry Scones! So here's the newest video.

I really hope you all enjoy this video. It was quite a task to film but ultimately totally worth it. I love to bake and am always excited to share recipes and learn new techniques. Make sure to show me some love on my channel and let me know if you tried out my recipe.

Well that is all for now, and I hope to talk to you soon. But until then have an amazing evening!


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